





​华体会,中国给水排水第八届污水大会邀请专家报告——报告题目:磷元素形态及悬浮物含量对再生水磷浓度的影响 报告人:北京城市排水集团有限责任公司 李魁晓


焦点提醒:中国给水排水第八届污水年夜会约请专家陈述——陈述标题问题:磷元素形态和悬浮物含量对再生水磷浓度的影响 陈述人:北京城市排水团体无限义务公司 李魁晓 中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事[1]王刚,李魁晓,王慰,等.磷元素形态和悬浮物含量对再生水磷浓度的影响[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(11):109-114. WANGGang,LIKui-xiao,WANGWei,et al.Effects of Phosphorus Form and Suspended Solids Content on Phosphorus Concentration in Reclaimed Water[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(11):109-114.点击复制

Effects of Phosphorus Form and Suspended Solids Content on Phosphorus Concentration in Reclaimed Water
王刚1,2, 李魁晓1,2, 王慰1,2, 许骐1,2, 吴从从1,2, 姜年夜伟1,2, 王浩楠3
(1.北京城市排水团体无限义务公司,北京 100022;2.北京市污水资本化项目手艺研究中间,北京 100124;3.北京北排科技无限公司,北京 100044)
WANG Gang1,2, LI Kui-xiao1,2, WANG Wei1,2, XU Qi1,2, WU Cong-cong1,2, JIANG Da-wei1,2, WANG Hao-nan3
(1. Beijing Drainage Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100022, China; 2. Beijing Municipal Sewage Resource Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing 100124, China; 3. Beijing Beipai Science & Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing 100044, China)
reclaimed water;phosphorus form;suspended solid;soluble non?reactive phosphorus;particulate total phosphorus
针对再生水厂出水磷浓度尺度限值日益严酷的需求,展开了磷元素形态和悬浮物含量对再生水磷浓度的影响研究。成果注解,消融性非活性磷(sNRP)和颗粒态磷(pTP)是影响再生水到达极限低磷浓度的要害身分。污水颠末生物化学法处置今后,再生水中sNRP和pTP浓度别离为0.06和0.04 mg/L,此中去除sNRP较为坚苦,化学除磷也无较着结果,且过量利用除磷药剂会致使水中铝离子浓度升高。当硫酸铝投加量为20 mg/L时,水中残存铝离子浓度高达55.4 ug/L。pTP浓度与再生水中悬浮物(SS)浓度成反比,SS中磷浓度为27~43 mg/g,SS越高,出水pTP浓度越高,进而致使出水总磷升高。另外,SS中磷浓度与水厂生物除磷结果和污泥逗留时候呈正相干关系,鉴在今朝水厂的处置工艺,下降出水SS是再生水到达极限低磷浓度最有用的路子。在水厂运转进程中需要节制出水SS低在1 mg/L,便可实现再生水总磷浓度低在0.05 mg/L,从而下降再生水磷元素超标引发的藻华风险。
To meet the requirement of increasingly strict standard of phosphorus concentration in effluent from reclaimed water plant, the influence of phosphorus form and suspended solids content on phosphorus concentration in reclaimed water was investigated. Soluble non-reactive phosphorus (sNRP) and particulate total phosphorus (pTP) were the key factors that affected the reclaimed water to reach the extreme low phosphorus concentration. After biochemical treatment, the concentrations of sNRP and pTP in reclaimed water were 0.06 mg/L and 0.04 mg/L, respectively. Among them, sNRP was difficult to remove, chemical phosphorus removal had no obvious performance, and excessive usage of phosphorus removal agents would lead to the increase of aluminum ion concentration in water. When the dosage of aluminum sulfate was 20 mg/L, the residual aluminum ion concentration in water was as high as 55.4 ug/L. The concentration of pTP was proportional to the suspended solids (SS) in reclaimed water. The phosphorus concentration in SS ranged from 27 mg/g to 43 mg/g. The higher SS resulted in the higher pTP in effluent, which led to the increase of total phosphorus in effluent. In addition, the phosphorus concentration in SS was positively correlated with the biological phosphorus removal performance and sludge retention time of the reclaimed water plant. In view of the current treatment technology of the reclaimed water plant, reducing effluent SS was the most effective way to achieve the ultimate low phosphorus concentration in the reclaimed water. During the�����APP operation of the reclaimed water plant, SS in the effluent should be controlled to be less than 1 mg/L, and thus the total phosphorus of the reclaimed water was less than 0.05 mg/L, so as to reduce the risk of algal bloom caused by excessive phosphorus in the reclaimed water.


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更新日期/Last Update:2023-06-01


  • ​重金属污水处理工艺-行业新闻-污水处理设备,一体化污水处理设备,工业废水处理,佰仕德
