





​华体会,剩余污泥中温和高温厌氧消化长期运行性能研究 作者:高丽娟1, 王苗2, 王怡2, 彭俊2, 柴宝华1, 韩晓峰1, 寇晓梅1, 庄鹏宇1(1.中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司,陕西 西安 7


焦点提醒:[1]高丽娟,王苗,王怡,等.残剩污泥中暖和高温厌氧消化持久运转机能研究[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(19):27-32. GAOLi-juan,WANGMiao,WANGYi,et al.Long-term Operation Performance of Excess Sludge Anaerobic Digestion under Mesophilic and Thermophilic Conditions[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(19):中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事[1]高丽娟,王苗,王怡,等.残剩污泥中暖和高温厌氧消化持久运转机能研究[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(19):27-32. GAOLi-juan,WANGMiao,WANGYi,et al.Long-term Operation Performance of Excess Sludge Anaerobic Digestion under Mesophilic and Thermophilic Conditions[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(19):27-32.残剩污泥中暖和高温厌氧消化持久运转机能研究中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第39卷 期数: 2023年第19期 页码: 27-32 栏目: 出书日期: 2023-10-01Title:Long-term Operation Performance of Excess Sludge Anaerobic Digestion under Mesophilic and Thermophilic Conditions作者:高丽娟1, 王苗2, 王怡2, 彭俊2, 柴宝华1, 韩晓峰1, 寇晓梅1, 庄鹏宇1(1.中国电建团体西北勘测设想研究院无限公司,陕西 西安 710065;2.西安建筑科技年夜学 情况与市政项目学院,陕西 西安 710055)Author(s):GAO Li-juan1, WANG Miao2, WANG Yi2, PENG Jun2, CHAI Bao-hua1, HAN Xiao-feng1, KOU Xiao-mei1, ZHUANG Peng-yu1(1. PowerChina Northwest Engineering Corporation Limited, Xi’an 710065, China; 2. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China)要害词:高温厌氧消化; 持久运转; 微生物群落; 能量衡算Keywords:thermophilic anaerobic digestion; long-term operation; microbial community; energy balance calculation摘要:针对今朝具有的污泥高温厌氧消化(TAD)能耗高的问题,设想了分歧无机负荷(OLR)下污泥中暖和高温厌氧消化持续实验,阐发了温度和OLR对污泥厌氧消化(AD)的影响,并对系统产能和耗能进行了初步核算。持续130 d�����APP的小试成果注解,当OLR(以VS计)为2.87 g/(L·d)时,TAD系统的单元容积产甲烷速度可到达419.5 mL/(L·d),是中温厌氧消化(MAD)系统的2.9倍,是OLR为1.79 g/(L·d)时的1.6倍。同时,分歧OLR下TAD系统的消融性COD(SCOD)、总氨氮(TAN)和游离氨(FAN)浓度均高在MAD系统,但挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)浓度与MAD系统的相差不年夜。另外,TAD系统中Methanosarcina为劣势古菌属(占56.4%),而在MAD系统中Methanothrix占主导(占56.9%)。能量衡算注解,TAD系统能够实现能量自给,而MAD系统需要额外的能量输入。整体来看,TAD系统比MAD系统的水解产气机能更好,并且可知足能量自给,在城市污水处置厂残剩污泥能源化利用中具有更较着的劣势。Abstract:This study designed two continuous mesophilic and thermophilic excess sludge anaerobic digestion systems under different organic loading rates (OLR), analyzed the effects of temperature and OLR on sludge anaerobic digestion (AD), and preliminarily calculated the energy production and consumption of the systems, so as to solve the high energy consumption problem of sludge thermophilic anaerobic digestion (TAD). According to the bench?scale experiment operated continuously for 130 days, the methane yield per unit volume of TAD reached 419.5 mL/(L·d) when the OLR was 2.87 g/(L·d) (measured as VS), which was 2.9 times that of the mesophilic anaerobic digestion (MAD) system, and 1.6 times that of the TAD system when the OLR was 1.79 g/(L·d). Besides, the soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD), total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and free ammonia (FAN) in the TAD system under different OLRs were higher than those in the MAD system, whereas the concentrations of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) were not much different from those in the MAD system. In addition, Methanosarcina was the dominant archaea in the TAD system (56.4%), while Methanothrix was the dominant archaea in the MAD system (56.9%). The energy balance calculation showed that the TAD system could achieve energy self? sufficiency, while the MAD system required additional energy input. In general, the TAD system had better performance of hydrolysis and gas production than those of the MAD system, and could realize the energy self?sufficiency. Therefore, TAD has more obvious advantages in the energy production of excess sludge in municipal wastewater treatment plants.更新日期/Last Update: 2023-10-01


  • ​重金属污水处理工艺-行业新闻-污水处理设备,一体化污水处理设备,工业废水处理,佰仕德
